Monday, March 26, 2007

Superman Returns


Lammervanger said...

'm Mens mag nie met die Bybel spot nie

Freddy said...


Op voer Skelton n onderhoud met die director, Bryan Singer. Hier is twee aanhalings:

"SKELTON: About another indelible scene: The New York Times wrote, “Superman…fights his foes in a scene that visually echoes the garden betrayal in ‘The Passion of the Christ’...” Actually, I would put the imagery closer to Christ’s march to the crucifixion. What were your influences for that scene?

SINGER: The scourging at the pillar. Clearly. It was what it was."


"SINGER: I remember sitting with one of my writers and we were watching the visual effects of him [Superman] falling to Earth [after pushing the kryptonite-laced landmass into space]. And his hands are extended and he falls to Earth in that very…

SKELTON: It’s the crucifixion pose; it’s beautiful; it’s fantastic...

SINGER: Yes. And he [the writer] looked at me—and he went to Catholic school, it’s very interesting—and he said, “Are we…? Are we…? Shouldn’t he open his legs a little bit more? Are we…? Is this too on the nose?” And I said, “If we’re telling this story, we’re going to tell this story. Some parts are going to be subtle. But this one is not. Either we’re going to have him float down kind of in the position [of the crucifixion] or not…But if there was ever a time to hammer it home, this is it.” "

Maar ons ken jou seker nou al goed genoeg om te weet jy is nie ernstig nie.

Lammervanger said...

Nee ek was nie ernstig nie. En ek wou 'n sê en nie 'm nie. Tog lekker om te sien dat aas so nou en dan aan geproe word wanneer dit uigesit word.

maeree said...

ek stem saam. superman is een van die mees obvious voorbeelde van stories wat bybels gekodeer is. of dalk is dit een van jung se argetipes.
in die laaste superman-fliekie was dit ook die duidelikste.